Well, well, well. I'm sure I cannot be the only one who has noticed the enormous irony in the way the political establishment and the mainstream press have been treating the BNP recently.
Throughout the European election campaigns, the press and leading public figures (and others of more dubious standing, such as Pete Doherty, to name but one) repeatedly bashed the BNP with accusations of fascism and thuggery, among other outright lies.
Funnily enough, though, looking at the evidence of recent days, it seems it is the mainstream political establishment and, in some cases, the press that are employing the tactics of fascism in an utterly shameless fashion.
The example of the UAF (who are backed by leading members of the mainstream political parties) attacking the inaugural BNP press conference with iron bars (and a couple of eggs) is an obvious one and barely needs to be mentioned again here.
However, what about this..?? Why are the BNP to be denied access to the same briefings as other parties receive from the Government in Brussels..? What is the point in excluding them from social events, drinks receptions and other events that other MEPs are welcome at? Exclusion is nothing but an unpleasant and a crude fascist device - the sheer level of hypocrisy here is jaw-dropping..!
Then today, there was this.. I mean, really, why should Buckingham Palace be 'having to answer questions'..?? What's to answer..??
The exclusion of the BNP from activities and briefings in Brussels only serves to show that the political establishment seeks to censure the BNP and to deny them as many platforms from which to speak as possible. If that isn't fascist behaviour, I don't know what is.
The way we're heading, anyone who expresses an interest in, or sympathy for, the BNP or its views will find themselves sidelined and excluded - if that is not already the case. Why are we being pilloried for what are perfectly reasonably formed views? Why can we not hold them..??
It has never been more important to stand up for what we believe in - the press, the media and the political establishment must not be allowed to deny us our voice..!
Canon Andrew White deserves a knighthood
10 years ago