Saturday, 5 September 2009

Slight u-turn..

Ah, okay - so it turns out funds *are* an issue and it seems (judging from the emails sent to supporters) the court case is going to be conceded and the party's constitution tweaked. Didn't see it coming - but, to be fair, massaging the membership rules wouldn't do any harm and it makes much more sense to have funds available to contest some general election seats, rather than waste them in trying to delay the inevitable in Court.

The party's current membership policy is too vulnerable to attack on the basis that the people permitted to join, i.e. those descended from 'British' stock (i.e. those whose views the party exists to represent) will most likely be white - which is all too open to being twisted round and positioned as 'whites only'. So, there we go.

Good to hear the BBC are to invite the BNP to take part in a Questiontime programme - long overdue. It has to be said, no matter what you think of his politics, Nick Griffin is a very credible public speaker and more than capable of giving any Labour/Conservative/Liberal cabinet member a run for their money - improved public profile and credibility should be assured.

The Guardian seems quite worried - here - and rightly so. The ludicrousness of Guardian-friendly views on immigration, social cohesion, migrant integration, etc, are due for a pasting..!

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