Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Finally, the Equality & Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has commenced legal proceedings in respect of the BNP's membership policy..!

This can only be good news, as it will expose the sheer hypocrisy of the EHRC (i.e. there are sooo many other organisations they could have gone for, such as the Society of Black Lawyers, the Black Police Association, etc), it will bring huge levels of publicity for the BNP and there's a very good chance the EHRC will be unsuccessful - pretty much win-win, then.

As the EHRC action proceeds, the public will become increasingly educated as to what the BNP stands for and the chances are, that set against the hypocrisy and do-gooding-political-correctness that pervades the EHRC, they may even start to sympathise. This level of publicity would have cost huge amounts of money to buy-in - all this, for free..!

Okay, yes - legal fees will be involved, but the BNP has an army of supporters who will undoubtedly dig into their pockets to assist - and if the BNP successfully defends the action, the chances are that the EHRC will have to reimburse the BNP's costs anyway..!

Gerald Warner's piece here summarises things pretty well. All in all, this should make for an entertaining couple of months..!

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